'Tis better to have played and lost, than never to have played at all.
Don Quixote
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Don Quixote     By: Achyut
Don Quixote rides the horse towards the windmills. When the horse reaches the windmill the horse automatically stops. At the windmill, move the mouse to swing the spear around. Click the mouse to attack and kill the imaginary enemies with the spear.For more information about Don Quixote click the INTRO button.
Don Quixote rides the horse towards the windmills. When the horse reaches the windmill the horse automatically stops. At the windmill, move the mouse to swing the spear around. Click the mouse to attack and kill the imaginary enemies with the spear.For more information about Don Quixote click the INTRO button.
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Action Don Quixote horse windmills spear enemies. Achyut