I Digshot the sheriff but I did not shoot the deputy.
Wheel Of Death
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Wheel Of Death     By: geekglue
Get the Wheel of Death daredevil to the goal in all 19 levels by carefully placing ramps, jumps and springs. Score extra points for completing levels without loss of life. Score extra points for completing consecutive levels without loss of life.
s=Start,t=Try Again,r=Reset Level,m=Menu,h=Help,p=Progress,a=Toggle MusicSelect props to add them to the arena. Drag the props in the arena into position so as to get the wheel of death to the Goal. Select s to start the run. If you die a new wheel will appear in the start position and you can rearrange the props to try again.
Site: mochiads.com/community/profile/geekglue
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Puzzles puzzle physics geekglue