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Your search for the author "amazingsuperpowers.com" returned 54 matches.

  Author: amazingsuperpowers.com
'Jeez, and this van is double parked in front of my shop. Better call the tow truck guy...Oh no, where's my van?!'
Born a Male
  Author: amazingsuperpowers.com
Hey, 'son,' I'm twice the man you would have ever been.
Which one do I shoot
  Author: amazingsuperpowers.com
Their song was Alanis Morissette's 'You Oughta Know'
  Author: amazingsuperpowers.com
'What's a nice couple like you doing in a place like this? You know, outside.'
Bag Lunch
  Author: amazingsuperpowers.com
'So I guess I was also wrong in thinking that 'Steve' was a brand of tomato juice.'
  Author: amazingsuperpowers.com
'It's okay, honey, it'll be like a goddamn family reunion down there.'
  Author: amazingsuperpowers.com
The moral of this story is that if you don't drink you'll die alone.
Greek Tragedy
  Author: amazingsuperpowers.com
I imagine it's for similar reasons you don't see the name ''Adolf'' very often.
School Elections
  Author: amazingsuperpowers.com
That town must have some harsh laws.
Ouija Board
  Author: amazingsuperpowers.com
The souls of children are smaller than regular souls.
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